myoffer is a unique service on the market. The module makes purchasing goods and services easier and more efficient than anything else.
The module allows you to use the project estimate to create a request that you can send out to the suppliers you want quotes from. Once you have sent a request, the suppliers themselves can log in to the service to provide a quote. myoffer gives you the opportunity to contact the suppliers for easy negotiation directly in the system.
In a separate window, you'll see all the quotes you've received set against each other, so you can easily compare the different suppliers and price proposals. myoffer, the only one in its class, allows you to communicate directly with suppliers for easy negotiation directly in the system.
When you move forward with one or more bidders, you can send price proposals back to the project estimate, giving you a live project estimate where you can see an updated price estimate at any time.
myoffer - makes smart purchasing easy.
Make smart purchasing easy
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